
Fehmi Lights is an approved manufacturer of Training Phantoms that are used in training.

Training phantoms are used in medical imaging technique using MRI. Magnetic Resonance Elastography (MRE) is a medical imaging technique that uses MRI and low frequency mechanical waves to noninvasively measure the stiffness of biological tissues. MRE is an FDA-approved upgrade for MRI systems and is available through General Electric, Siemens and Philips.

Training Phantoms are manufactured by Fehmi Lights based on the specifications provided by Resoundant Inc.  For purchase of Training Phantoms and other business inquiries related to Resoundant MRE  Phantom Training Procedure please contact

All Phantoms manufactured by Fehmi Lights are covered under a warranty extending upto 2 years from the date of manufacture.

Please use the link below to check your warranty by entering the serial number of the Phantom.  The serial number for Phantoms manufactured by Fehmi Lights start with FL.

We will be happy to discuss your future manufacturing needs.  Please contact us by calling

647-884-7763  or email us at:

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